International Women's Day
In order to celebrate International Women's Day this blog has been set up to act as a showcase for some of the best female bloggers the web has to offer.
This blogroll is being run in conjunction with where you can increase the hits to your blog with free blog ads.
Your suggestions and comments as to who should appear on this 'Blogroll of blogrolls' will be greatly valued and due consideration will be given to all those nominated. It should be stated that the order of listing does not imply any kind of ranking.
This blogroll is being run in conjunction with where you can increase the hits to your blog with free blog ads.
Your suggestions and comments as to who should appear on this 'Blogroll of blogrolls' will be greatly valued and due consideration will be given to all those nominated. It should be stated that the order of listing does not imply any kind of ranking.
- 1) Tech news, reviews and geeky delights from a So. Cal. IT dame. "...I had a boyfriend when I was in 9th grade who had a commodore 64. I was in love! Not with him. I was hooked on his computer." The rest is herstory!
- 2) Fun things to do, browse, play, buy and learn about online. "I love surfing the internet and always seem to find really cool stuff. Whether you are a computer expert or a beginner you will find something here." She's right and I did!
- 3) The lovely thing about me is that I am so damn good at it! "There is no such thing as too many: books, black shoes, cups of coffee, or love letters" How can you disagree with that, especially the shoes!
- 4) Goofy girl is on the midst of her first year at medical school. She hopes this "won't take away her goofy-ness but instead make her into a Patch Adams sort of doctor". Check out her blog and judge for your self.
5) Please remove your shoes, slip on this pair of blue stockings, and come in. "This is a feminist site...if feminism pisses you off, or if you decide that I have my head irretrievably up my ass, it's pretty easy to read something else.....if however you enjoy intelligent discussion and debate, you're most welcome here". BitchPHD does exactly what it says on the tin. If you can stand the heat then come into this kitchen!
6) Life after marketing "So here I am, a part-time helpline manager, a freelance writer, and a student. It 'sounds' good and it certainly doesn't feel bad, but it's a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be". This is one of our few Brit Bloggers so all you Brits pay attention at the back. - 7) A place for my thoughts, rants, filth and drunken musings. "I like talking into the dead of night and can't stand silence. I smoke like a chimney and if you don't like it, too damn bad. I'm a closet bitch and choose to unleash it on those most worthy". If you want relaxation don't enter the kitty kat lounge, but if you want a blog with claws this could be for you.
8) I'm not a forever person. I'm only really interested in the here and now. "I would hope that you'd be able to find the answers to any questions you may have about me by reading through the archives, you lazy buggers. But of course you're probably one of the many who only look at three pages on this site." Read more to get more. You'll be so glad you did!
9) Strike a Pose "I'm a 20-something who still thinks her birthday is the best day of the year. I am a newly wed in a new place with a new job and new friends. Things are different from what I'm used to, but I'm thrilled with the opportunity to reach new goals and have fun in the process." Just a sweet Georgia girl, making her way in the Worl' - 10) Jetting through life "I am just a normal person trying to get by in my everyday life. This is who I am.....Take me or leave me. So, whatever you want to know, just ask..... my life is pretty much an open book." Do have a read and make sure you check out the 'Friday Funnies'.
11) Metamorphosis complete "I'm a freelance musician and accidental adjunct, trying to have a social life along with paying the rent." This blogger doesn't blow her own trumpet, just a kazoo.
12) Werewolves of New london "If I go too long without eating some red meat, I mean REAL red and REAL meat I start to freak out a little bit. I can handle it for a couple of months but after that something has to moo for me or I just can't function." Although lilac and pink in hue, this blog is red-blooded in more ways than one. No shortage of protein here! - 13) Freelance writing advice "...okay students, in yesterday's lecture we covered the importance of research, the supremacy of “the offer”, and the necessity of clarifying the response mechanism. You are now one step closer to writing money-making copy!" This is one of our very own bloggers. Sharon's blog is loaded with tips on freelance and creative writing, simple but effective methods to promote your website, and ways to make money from writing. If you are interested in any of the above make sure you visit asap.
14) Come on mom and pops....let's blog! The Mommy Blogger has great information for parents and expecting parents. "Breastfedbabies have the most explosive poops!! I can not believe my daughter sometimes…it literally got all over the wall one day. It’s like beat the clock or beat the poop bomb everytime I change her!! But how do you know if your baby has diarrhea - it’s so messy to begin with?" It didn't seem right not to have at least one 'mommy blogger ' so here is the original and surely the best.
15) It's all about me. My life, my way. "Recently I was talking to my 73-year-old father about relationships, and he mentioned to me how sad he thinks it is that people are waiting longer and longer to get married. "When I met your mother, I couldn't wait to spend forever with her. If people love one another, why not start a future right away?""Because, Dad, things are different now. My generation has certain opportunities and luxuries that yours never had. Now, life isn't just about finding the right person and settling down. It's about finding ourselves." The theme here is: "it's all about me". This doesn't seem unreasonable as it is a blog after all! An in-depth exploration of a singleton's life. - 16) Witty, charming, loving, shrewd-An angel with an attitude "...once bitten, twice shy. To surrender would mean remaining open to the possibility of being bitten, yet again. But once you've been ravaged so fiercely that an emptiness the likes of carlsbad's cavern is located where your heart used to be, even the nibbles are enough to cause a retraction so far into the depths of loneliness that the four letter word renders itself even more elusive than before. The innocent until proven guilty philosophy has shown itself to be my worst enemy. My trust is now earned, and not given. I read somewhere that the harder your heart breaks the more fiercely you love the next time the opportunity presents itself. If this is the case, then the next form of life who dares to cross over into these depths should be well armored." Too down-to-earth to be close to heaven, but it might take you to a higher level.
17) A slice of life....addicted to scrapbooking, I must scrap every day. My passion is travelling. I am a temporary citizen of whatever country I happen to be in. "What ways have you made a difference to in someone's life? I challenge you to make a difference whether paying the toll for the person behind you, or offering to read to an elderly person in a nursing room you don't know. Make a difference!" A mosaic of travel, family, music and religion: a celebration of life!
18) Let me go on and on "Daily trials of my psychotic life dealing with issues that come my way. Some posts are positive ones, some are negative, most material deals with issues of the gay & lesbian community...Enjoy the ride as I display my life online like a complete nut that I am!" Hang on to this one! - 19) Greek Tragedy....Stories of my life "You take precaution with your hopes, trying to measure them and keep things neat and leveled. You’re used to calculating your MTBU. When you meet a guy who gives you the “this is its,” you remind yourself. You were perfectly happy before you met him; you’ll be happy again once this ends. Your pessimism doesn’t even shock you. You conjure clichés, “this too shall pass,” to prepare yourself for the moment when you awake to find your dream has been yanked back and the sun does not continue to rise! If the dream remains intact, you'll soon have to face the nightmare critics, ghouls crouching in your shadows." This blogger once wondered whether she was a writer, be in no doubt she is. Add this to your daily blog read.
20) Neurosis. Psychosis. Cirrhosos....The daily activities of a twenty-something New Yorker. "I’m trying to find the secret to enjoying every day of my life. So far I like Saturdays and Sundays, and that’s about it. I also like lunch breaks, like the one I’m taking now, even though I frequently bypass food in favor of writing. I like writing. I like it better than everything else. (Yes, I mean everything.) My mother told me I have to get an MBA or marry rich. I told her, “You can’t depend on men,” which is a line I got from her and from experience." Anybody who likes writing that much demands to be read!
21) I manufacture and raise homosapiens in my home(some people call this a "stay-at-home mom.") Currently I'm taking classes online to get a degree. Maybe, if I'm a good girl, I'll graduate before my kids get old enough to move out. "Why I should I pay someone else just so they can pay their bills? What am I? The Welfare office?" No, of course not. That's just the nature of the unwritten agreement between the server and the customer. "I'll bring your food to you as soon as the kitchen has it prepared, I'll refresh your drink as soon as it becomes half-full, I'll fill your every request, and I'll do all that with a smile on my face AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I'M TRYING TO EARN A LIVING AND YOU'RE ESSENTIAL TO MY QUEST." ......"Why would you purchase a $20,000 heavy duty truck and then drive it like it was going to fall apart at any moment? If I'm going to pay that kind of money for a vehicle I'm going to take it down the bumpiest roads I can find and drive it like there's no tomorrow. " This is a very diverse blog which I found hard to categorise so I think it's fair to say there is something for every one. Check out her other blog 'Dirty Little secrets' - 22) About being forty something with five children, a husband, a cat, a dog, a theatre school business, a part time broadcasting job with a community radio station and a possible move to Portsmouth "I would of course like to be thinner, have more money to spend on clothes, and have no mortgage or other debts. And if I could have a few of Nicole Kidman's inches too, that would be useful. She could spare one or two and would probably be quite glad not to tower over whichever man she is on the arm of. But I do so often remember that for everything that I don't have, I do have five gorgeous children. That in itself is amazing really considering the response that I got from my mother each time I announced that I was yet again pregnant." A blog about life really.
- 23) Women on the verge-we are two smart women who are sick and tired of blank stares and drooling minions. " We think we’ve figured out the reason for the recent rash (oops, no pun intended…but did you see that razor burn? That’s gotta hurt!) of Britney Spears sightings sans underwear. After putting our two formidable intellects to work on this perplexing, not to mention unsightly, problem, we’ve concluded that K. Fed took possession of Britney’s panties in the divorce settlement thereby leaving her shame bared to the world." Did they really say that..yes they did!